Equal Opportunity
· Introduction
· Equality opportunities of women in Islam
· Equality opportunities in education
· Equality opportunities on provincial level
· Equality opportunities in sports
· Equality opportunities in politics and
· Equality opportunities for slaves in Islam
· Effects of lack of opportunities
· Conclusions
1) Introduction:
“Opportunities are never lost. The other fellows take those
you miss”.
Ø Equality is right among people in relation
to how far they are similar in gifts and talents. We would say that humans are
basically equal in rights. And there should be no discrimination on the basis
of race, colour, language or sex.
Ø Equal opportunities in a society can be
insured by implementing social justice. It is the basis and the binding force
of a society. Only where equal opportunities are available for all, the
citizens can deliver to the fullest of their potentials and the society can
progress. It is obvious that diversity among humans in talents is natural to
Ø Women are treated on equal level in any
country. Women should not considered inferior to men in society.
Ø People of all provinces have equal
opportunities. They should have equal opportunities in government and jobs.
Ø There should no discrimination among
majority and minority.
Ø And
also no discrimination among master and slave.
In any state individual is the unit of society. All the
individuals are equal stakeholders, so every one shares the responsibilities
and every one has an equal right to enjoy the resources and facilities provided
by the state.
2) Equal opportunities of women in Islam:
the arrival of Islam women were treated in a very inhumane manner. Women
thought to be inferior since times before Islam. Islam gave equal rights to
women in all the fields of world. Islam gave them the right from inheritance.
ladies are encouraged in many countries. Especially on developing countries
like Pakistan.
are considered only for specific jobs like teaching and nursing which
considered best occupation for females. Because many “Umahat ul Mominin” adopt
these professions.
men considered dominant in society and females as inferior.
3) Equal opportunities in education:
is necessary for all human beings. Islam termed it as religious obligation. And
in Islam there is no discrimination among men and women in the field of
developing countries education is considered necessary only for men and not for
most of developing countries education is not preferred for females. That is
the major reason of low rate of literacy of females in developing countries. The
literacy rate among females in Pakistan
is less than male. Also the educational institutes are less for females and
that effects on the literacy rate of females. There are no colleges and high
schools in villages and towns and females of that locality can not study on
higher levels.
and sexual assault and embarrassment is also a major problem for women in
4) Equal opportunities on provincial level:
Ø Our country which is a so called democracy
and pseudo welfare state, displays huge contrast in terms of national
development and social justice.
Ø There are so many areas in our country
which can be compared to any city of modern world, but at the same time there
are places which are as underdeveloped as those of Stone Age. There are people
who live like royal families. But at the same time a majority is stumbling from
door to door even for very basic rights. So all the provinces should have equal
Ø This is the biggest hurdle in the way of
our national progress. The resolt is that the common man is never in a position
to compete with the people from elite class. So the remains perpetually in the
hands of same groups of privileged people.
of the areas like rural Balochistan, rural Sindh, Southern Punjab and the
people of the smaller cities of Pakistan
have grown the sense of deprivation. And they always think that the people in
the national and provincial capitals are not paying attention to their
problems. But the tragedy of situation is that the ground realities tend to
prove the fact.
“Do not suppose opportunity will knock twice at your door”.
Ø People of all regions should have equal job
Ø All provinces should be equally developed.
Ø And no one should be considered inferior.
5) Equal opportunities in sports:
Ø Sports equality is about fairness in
sports, equality of access, recognizing inequalities and taking step to address
them. And to change the culture and structure of sports.
Ø To ensure that it becomes equally
accessible to all members of society, whatever their age, ability, gender,
race, sexuality or socio-economic status.
Ø The equality standard gives guidance about
how to increase the participation in sports and physical activity by under
represented people-especially women and girls, minority groups and disabled
people. It gives opportunities to disable people.
Ø Some organizations promote equality in
sports, and give answers to policies any person should have for his club. And
also suggest how can you make your club more accessible to every one in
Ø Sporting equals is a national initiative to
promote racial equality in sports throughout England. It provides a wide range
information about racial equality in sports.
Ø Facilities for females and disable persons
should be provided on equal level in sports so that females can enjoy equal
Ø The WSF(women sports foundation) works to
improve and promote opportunities for women and girls to participate in sport
in the UK
at every level.
Equal opportunities in politics and Government:
Ø Women involvement in politics-whether local
or national-can help advance legislation that is more focused on women,
children and families. When women lack a voice in politics, powerful advocates
for children remained unheard.
Ø In countries as diverse as Argentina, France,
Russia, and Rwanda,
women in parliaments have initiated and helped pass child-related legislation.
Ø At national level women in parliaments have
made a real difference for children, despite being underrepresented.
Ø Women play a key role for children at local
level, in some cases altering the distribution of community resources in favour
of women and children.
Ø Villages led by women in Bengal, India,
had twice the investment in drinking water, increased visit by health workers
and the 13% decrease in gender gape in school attendance.
Ø The influence of women in parliaments is
encouraging changes in the priorities of their male colleagues. Research
suggests that male legislators today are increasingly aware of the importance
of issues related to women and families.
Ø Two related factors can account for the
major gap between countries having high and low rates of women in their
government: Domestic identity and culture.
Ø Efficient and older democracies have
established a real democratic culture in which individuals are valued and
politics is close to people. Also, culture tends to affect the role of men and
women immensely.
Equal opportunities for slaves in Islam:
Ø Thousand years ago life was different from
today. Today would not accept slavery for any reason. The reason is that people
are a lot more independent in all fields of life i.e. financially, education
wise, mentally etc.
Ø People would accept being slaves for the
following reasons:
1) For financial and social security. When any country or
tribe lost war then it is necessary for individuals of that country or tribe to
find the means for basic survival in life. Living as a slave would provide
2) Protection from hostile individuals. Even under the Islamic
rule, you can still find hostile individuals who violate the law. An enemy
family can be sometimes in danger if they don’t have a “protector”.
3) Widows, orphans and extremely poor of the enemy side need
the financial and social protection from a master. Back then, there were no
governments with good social system that protects everyone. Slavery back then
was the social system in special cases.
Ø According to Islam all men and women are
created equal and there is no discrimination on the basis of colour or creed.
Any difference in race, colour or language have no effect on any individual in
society. This may be supported with the following verse of the Holy Quran:
“O mankind! We created you from a
single (pair) of a male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that
ye may know each other”. (49,13)
Ø In Islam no nation is created to be above
other nations or to rise above them. Man’s worth in the eyes of men and in the
eyes of Allah is determined by his skills, by the good he does, and by his
obedience to Allah. The term for this in Islam is “taqwa” as we read in Holy
“The most honoured of you in the
sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you”.
Ø In Islam slaves were given right to get his
freedom from his master when ever they want. Islam not only allows slaves to
request their freedom from their Muslim masters, but also orders the Muslim
masters to pay the slaves money to help them stand on their feet and to be able
to face life.
Ø Islam orders Muslims to don’t treat slaves
cruel but to treat them as brothers and chose the same thing for them which you
chose for yourself. And Islam says that:
“If a Muslim beats his slave or slaps him on the face, then he
must set him free”.
of lack of equal opportunities:
Ø Lack of opportunity in the society creates
dissatisfaction and discontentment among people which don’t have equal
Ø This is like a poison in a society by which
society is engulfed by violence.
sure way to miss success, to miss opportunity”
Ø The need of the hour is that the state must
up to the task to ensure equal opportunities to all.
Ø Social justice is the only key to keep
nation united. This is the only thing that can cure the grieved heart of the
deprived people.
Ø It is also necessary to remove the
provincial discrimination from country.
Ø And treat majority and minority on equal
level and there should no discrimination among people on the basis of race,
colour or creed.