Who first isolated heavy water?

Urey and
was awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his discovery of heavy
hydrogen", Lewis - who had been Urey's PhD supervisor - won nothing. At
this, Lewis stopped work on heavy water. Despite his work on heavy water, not
to mention inventing the covalent bond (plus dot-and-cross diagrams); coming up
with the concept of acids and bases as electron-pair acceptors and donors,
respectively; developing a theory of electrolytes and also formulating
thermodynamics for chemists (no mean feat), Lewis was never to win a Nobel
did Lewis find out that heavy water had different properties to ordinary water?
There are small but measurable differences. One consequence of the
D2O molecule being significantly heavier than H2O is that
an ice cube made from heavy water will sink if placed in liquid H2O.
Freezing point (°C )
Density of liquid (g/cm3)
0.9999 (277 K)
1.1056 (293 K)
Density of solid at m.p. (g/cm3)
Temperature of maximum density
pH (pD) (298K)
happened next?
Researchers continued to examine the properties of D2O, but
obtaining large quantitites of heavy water for research was usually done by
electrolysis. This required huge amounts of electricity and was then only
achievable at Norsk Hydro's Ryukan plant in Norway (photo, below); they
obtained really pure heavy water in early 1935. At first, demand was small, in
quantities usually no more than 10 grams, but things were to change after Hahn
and Strassmann's discovery in late 1938 that uranium atoms could be split using
slow neutrons, releasing energy (and more neutrons). By the end of 1939, Ryukan
was receiving orders from the German chemical giant I.G. Farben for up to 100
kg of D2O a month. By early 1940, a few months after the Second
World War had broken out, French intelligence became aware of increased German
demand for heavy water, and in early March Lieutenant Jacques Allier, a Deuxième
Bureau agent, managed to spirit out of the country the entire Ryukan
stock of heavy water, 26 five-litre containers. Shortly afterwards, another 26
containers reached Paris.

Vemork hydroelectric power station at the Rjukan waterfall in 1935.
Why did the French get involved?
Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie and his wife Irène shared the 1935 Nobel prize for
Chemistry "in recognition of their
synthesis of new radioactive elements". By the outbreak of World War II,
Joliot-Curie, at that time a professor at the Collège de France, was working
actively on nuclear fission, and since the summer of 1939 had been thinking of
heavy water as a moderator in a nuclear reactor, to produce neutrons of the
right velocity to induce nuclear fission. When the German invasion of France took place in May 1940, the heavy water
was removed first to Clermont-Ferrand, in the Auvergne, then, after the collapse of the French Army in
mid-June, Joliot-Curie oversaw its movement to Bordeaux,
from where it was shipped to England
aboard the SS Broompark. The world's supply of heavy water arrived
in England on June 21 1940,
to be stored first at Wormwood Scrubs prison, then at Windsor Castle.
It was safe.
Like the
French (and the British and the Americans), German scientists had been
following developments in nuclear chemistry. The great Werner Heisenberg (who
won the 1932 Nobel prize for Physics aged 31, "for the creation of quantum
mechanics") was one of the leading scientists developing the German
nuclear project. He had reasoned that since Germany could not separate the
uranium isotopes to obtain enrichment in 235U, a reactor
employing natural uranium would require a moderator of either graphite or heavy
water. After the German invasion of Norway, I.G. Farben took over Norsk
Hydro and the Ryukan plant.
But that wasn't the end of it?
Fed by intelligence from the Norwegian resistance movement, the British
followed the increased production of heavy water at Ryukan, and decided to try
to destroy the plant. On November 19 November 1942, two RAF Halifax bombers set
off from Scotland, heading
for Norway;
each was towing a glider carrying seventeen commandos and two crew. Operation
Freshman was under way. It was a disaster. One Halifax flew into a mountain, killing the
crew of six; both the gliders crashed and all those who survived the crash were
killed by the Gestapo. Operation Gunnerside followed, when a
team of Norwegian commandos struck on the night of February 27-28 1943, causing
serious damage to the plant and putting back production. In a final blow, a
Norwegian resistance party sank the ferry Hydro when it was transporting heavy water
to Germany
on 20 February 1944. All these operations helped slow German heavy-water
research. The film "Heroes of Telemark", starring Kirk Douglas
and Richard Harris, is loosely based upon these events.
Did it
As it happens, German efforts were too half-hearted to bear fruit,
whereas the Americans invested huge sums of money in the Manhattan project. In any case, better
processes are available to obtain heavy water, such as the Girdler
process, simultaneously discovered by Karl-Hermann Geib in Germany and J.S. Spevack at Columbia University.
This employs an exchange reaction for which the equilibrium constant is very
favourable (K~1.01):
HOH (l) + HSD (g)
(l) + HSH (g)

Post-war, Canada was the
only country which invested heavily in plants using natural-abundance uranium
which employed heavy water as the moderator.
What is heavy water?
Heavy Water (D2O) is a compound of
an isotope of hydrogen called heavy hydrogen or Deuterium (D) and oxygen. This
is also known as Deuterium Oxide. Deuterium has an atomic mass of 2, as against
1 for normal hydrogen (H) due to presence of an extra neutron in the nucleus.
Deuterium is present in hydrogen and hydrogen bearing compounds like water,
hydrocarbons, etc. and has a small natural occurrence (D/D+H) of about 140 to 160 ppm. So it is necessary to process large
quantities of the low concentration feed stock to produce the final product
which is enriched to the reactor grade i.e. 99.8 mole %. Heavy Water has great
similarity in its physical and chemical properties to ordinary water. But its
nuclear properties display a significant variation which makes it an extremely
efficient material for use as moderator in a nuclear reactor.
What is Moderator?
Moderator is required in a thermal reactor to slow down the neutrons
produced in the fission reaction to .025 ev (thermal
reaction) so that the chain reaction can be sustained. Different
moderators normally in use are Heavy Water, Graphite, Beryllium and Light
water. Heavy Water is an excellent moderator. A good moderator should have
excellent slowing down power and low absorption cross section for neutrons.
What is Coolant?
Heat energy produced in the fission reactor will be removed by coolant.
Water is an excellent coolant that can remove the heat from the feed. Heavy
Water is used as a primary coolant to transport heat generated by the fission
reaction to secondary coolant, light water. In Gas cooled reactors carbon di-oxide
gas is used as coolant. Coolant transports heat to secondary coolant, i.e.
water for generation of steam at an appropriate pressure for running steam
turbines. Steam turbines drive generators to generate Electricity.
water is the key to one type of reactor in which plutonium can be bred from
natural uranium. As such, the production of heavy water has always been
monitored, and the material is export controlled. In addition, a source of
deuterium is essential for the production of tritium and 6LiD, two ingredients
of thermonuclear weapons. A nation seeking large quantities of heavy water
probably wishes to use the material to moderate a reactor, and may be planning
to produce plutonium. However, CANDU (CANadian Deuterium Uranium) reactors
designed and built in Canada
are used for commercial electric power production.
water, D2O, is water in which both hydrogen atoms have been replaced with
deuterium, the isotope of hydrogen containing one proton and one neutron. It is
present naturally in water, but in only small amounts, less than 1 part in
5,000. Heavy water is one of the two principal moderators which allow a nuclear
reactor to operate with natural uranium as its fuel. The other moderator is reactor-grade
graphite (graphite containing less than 5 ppm boron and with a density
exceeding 1.50 gm/cm 3 ). The first nuclear reactor built in 1942 used graphite
as the moderator; German efforts during World War II concentrated on using
heavy water to moderate a reactor using natural uranium.
importance of heavy water to a nuclear proliferator is that it provides one
more route to produce plutonium for use in weapons, entirely bypassing uranium
enrichment and all of the related technological infrastructure. In addition,
heavy-water-moderated reactors can be used to make tritium.
one speaks of "making" heavy water, deuterium is not made in the
process; rather, molecules of heavy water are separated from the vast quantity
of water consisting of H2O or HDO (singly deuterated water), and the
"dross" is discarded. Alternatively, the water may be electrolyzed to
make oxygen and hydrogen containing normal gas and deuterium. The hydrogen can
then be liquefied and distilled to separate the two species. Finally, the
resulting deuterium is reacted with oxygen to form heavy water. No nuclear
transformations occur.
of Heavy water
The production of heavy water in significant amounts requires a
technical infrastructure, but one which has similarities to ammonia production,
alcohol distillation, and other common industrial processes. One may separate
heavy water directly from natural water or first "enrich" the
deuterium content in hydrogen gas. It is possible to take advantage of the
different boiling points of heavy water (101.4 °C) and normal water (100 °C) or
the difference in boiling points between deuterium (-249.7 °C) and hydrogen
(-252.5 °C). However, because of the low abundance of deuterium, an enormous
amount of water would have to be boiled to obtain useful amounts of deuterium.
Because of the high heat of vaporization of water, this process would use
enormous quantities of fuel or electricity. Practical facilities which exploit
chemical differences use processes requiring much smaller amounts of energy.
Separation methods include distillation of liquid hydrogen and various chemical
exchange processes which exploit the differing affinities of deuterium and
hydrogen for various compounds. These include the ammonia/hydrogen system,
which uses potassium amide as the catalyst, and the hydrogen sulfide/water
system (Girdler Sulfide process).
factors per stage are significantly larger for deuterium enrichment than for
uranium enrichment because of the larger relative mass difference. However,
this is compensated for because the total enrichment needed is much greater.
While 235U is 0.72 percent of natural uranium, and must be enriched to 90
percent of the product, deuterium is only .015 percent of the hydrogen in water
and must be enriched to greater than 99 percent. If the input stream has at
least 5 percent heavy water, vacuum distillation is a preferred way to separate
heavy from normal water.
process is virtually identical to that used to distill brandy from wine. The
principal visible difference is the use of a phosphor-bronze packing that has
been chemically treated to improve wettability for the distillation column
rather than a copper packing. Most organic liquids are non-polar and wet
virtually any metal, while water, being a highly polar molecule with a high
surface tension, wets very few metals. The process works best at low
temperatures where water flows are small, so wetting the packing in the column
is of particular importance. Phosphor-bronze is an alloy of copper with .02-.05
percent lead, .05-.15 percent iron, .5-.11 percent tin, and .01-.35 percent
Heavy water is produced in Argentina, Canada,
India, and Norway.
Presumably, all five declared nuclear weapons states can produce the material.
The first commer-cial heavy water plant was the Norsk Hydro facility in Norway (built 1934, capacity 12 metric metric
tons per year); this is the plant which was attacked by the Allies to deny
heavy water to Germany.
As stated above, the largest plant, is the Bruce Plant in Canada (1979;
700 metric tons/year). India's
apparent capacity is very high, but its program has been troubled. Accidents
and shutdowns have led to effective limitations on production.
Bruce Heavy Water Plant in Ontario,
Canada, is the
world's largest producer of D2O. It uses the Girdler Sulfide (GS) process which
incorporates a double cascade in each step. In the upper ("cold,"
30-40 °C) section, deuterium from hydrogen sulfide preferentially migrates into
water. In the lower ("hot," 120-140 °C) section, deuterium
preferentially migrates from water into hydrogen sulfide. An appropriate
cas-cade arrangement actually accomplishes enrichment. In the first stage the
gas is enriched from 0.015% deuterium to 0.07%. The second column enriches this
to 0.35% , and the third column achieves an enrichment between 10% and 30% deuterium.
This product is sent to a distillation unit for finishing to 99.75%
"reactor-grade" heavy water. Only about one-fifth of the deuterium in
the plant feed water becomes heavy water product. The production of a single
pound of heavy water requires 340,000 pounds of feed water.

A Nuclear
Power PlantCourtesy of R2 Controls
Methods of Production
The basis
of all methods of heavy water production is the separation of deuterium from a
suitable hydrogen-containing raw material by utilising the slight differences
in physical and chemical properties which exist between deuterium and hydrogen
isotopes. In practice the raw material is almost always natural water or
hydrogen. Although the mass ratio of z for hydrogen and deuterium is greater
than for any isotopes of the heavier elements the task is made difficult by the
low concentration of deuterium in natural water, which requires that large
quantities be handled in the initial stages of the separation.
An additional complication is caused by the fact that, when
present in such low concentrations, deuterium is distributed in the water as HDO molecules which have
properties intermediate between H,O and D,O. The only processes to have been
operated on a large scale are the electrolysis of water-in which H,O is
decomposed more readily than D,O; water and hydrogen distillation; and chemical
exchange, which depends on the isotopic displacement at equilibrium in certain
reactions resulting in the concentration of deuterium in one component (I, 2).
In selecting suitable processes the following points must be considered:
reversibiIity of the reaction, which is a measure of the power required,
separation factor, which determines the number of reaction stages, and finally
the complexity of the plant.
The highest
separation factor, cx = 4 to 7, is
given by electrolysis, but this process is highly irreversible and the cost of
power is prohibitive except in such places as Norway where very cheap
hydroelectric power is available or where there is some form of natural power
such as the geothermal springs in New Zealand.
is, however, almost invariably used for the final concentration of deuterium once
its level has been raised to the order of z to 5 per cent by other methods, since in this case
smaller quantities are involved and the power consumption is much reduced.
Distillation methods are highly reversible and therefore have a low power
consumption, but water distillation has a low separation factor while hydrogen
distillation must be carried out near absolute zero, where knowledge of
techniques is very limited. Chemical exchange is probably one of the most promising methods for future
large-scale production of heavy water.

the experimental high-flux materials-testing reactor at Ilarwell. cooled and
moderated by heavy
water. A similar reactor, PLUTO, is also in
operation at Harzmll while a new reactor, DMTR, practically
identical with PLUTO, is nearing completion at
Dounreay. The Atomic Energy Authority has concluded
that the best possible alternative to the
gas-cooled graphite moderated reactor for small land-based
power stations and for ship propulsion may
well be a heavy water moderated reactor.
The basis of its operation is that if in the general equation where R
and R‘ are
radicals attached to hydrogen and deuterium, the equilibrium constant K,
which is equivalent to the separation factor x, is not equal to I, some
concentration of deuterium will be possible. Many reactions are known which
satisfy this condition but only those with water as one component are of
practical importance. The reaction between water and hydrogen has often been
suggested for this purposcit can take place with water in the gaseous or liquid
H,O (gas)-HD
(gas)+HDO (gas) 1 H, (gas)
HD(gas) i=H DO(liquid)+ H,(gas)
The two-phase reaction
provides the better separation factor, 4=3.87 at 25°C compared with 3.62 for
the single-phase reaction, but it has been found in practice that the hydrogenwater
system comes to equilibrium only very slowly, so that a catalyst is required, and until very recently no
catalyst was known which would give efficient service in liquid water. Consequently
the reaction had to be operated in the gaseous phase, which introduced difficulties into the design of the plant, since the
water had to be alternately evaporated and condensed.
Trail Plant
A plant
using this process was installed during the last war at the synthetic ammonia
plant of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada Ltd. At Trail,
B.C. The necessity of using hydrogen as one of the raw materials restricted
this process to sites where there was an abundant supply of the gas. In effect
the hydrogen, produced by electrolysis, was borrowed for the purpose of
extracting its deuterium content and then returned for the synthcsis of
The deuterium
was concentrated by a combination of catalytic exchange and electrolysis,
carried out in the so-called primary and secondary The feed to the primary
plant comprised steam and hydrogen gas from the ammonia plant. The deuterium
concentrated in the steam and was raised to a proportion of about 2.3 per
cent D,O by this method in combination with electrolysis-further concentration to
99.8 per cent D,O was effected in the secondary plant by electrolysis alone.
The most effective catalysts for the exchange
reaction were found to be platinum-oncharcoal and nickel-chromium, the former being
used in the first three exchange towers and the latter in the fourth. The
primary heavy water plant at Trail is shown in the illustration, and a
simplified diagram of one of the exchange towers is given.
A stream of water containing H,O and HDO flowed in at the
top of the tower and a gas-vapour stream, consisting of a mixture of H,, HD,
H,O and HDO flowed into the bottom. This gas stream was obtained from partial
electrolysis of the water leaving the column and from stripped gases leaving
the top of the subsequent tower. In the exchange tower the HD was partially absorbed
in the descending water stream, the remainder of the vapour passing on to the
next catalyst layer. Since the catalyst did not operate satisfactorily if wet,
the scrubbing water was by-passed around each catalyst section and heaters were
provided to dry the gas stream before it entered the catalyst bed. On leaving
the tower the water entered an electrolysis cell where it was partially
electrolysed; the hydrogen and some of the undissociated water returned to the
tower as the vapour stream while the rest of the waterenriched in D,O-entered a
subsequent tower for further concentration.

Mining and Smelting
Company of Canada Ltd.
development of the platinum oncharcoal catalyst for the exchange reaction by G.
G. Joris and his co-workers at Princeton
University has been
described in some detail. Canadian 8-mesh gas-mask charcoal and peach-nut
charcoal when completely activated were found to be excellent supports. The
most satisfactory combination of economy in platinum with high catalytic
efficiency was attained with a catalyst containing 0.4 g platinum per IOO ml
charcoal. The catalyst was easily poisoned by carbon monoxide, hydrogen
sulphide, sulphur dioxide, mercury and water, even in minute traces.
Regeneration was normally very simple; heating in hydrogen removed inactivation
due to carbon monoxide and heating

In air or oxygen
removed the effects of sulphur poisons. The cost of heavy water produced at
Trail was more than $60 per lb, which is comparatively high and which
led to the closing of the plant in 1955. However, it is known that by
economies such as decreasing the losses of water vapour and hydrogen
to a negligible value, and by cutting down the amount of catalyst, the
cost of the heavy water could have been reduced to $38 per
lb. There are inherent disadvantages in this method.
However, the most
serious being the limitation of output imposed by the amount of hydrogen available.
The Trail plant is the largest producer of hydrogen in the North American
continent and yet its output of heavy water was only 6 tons per year.
Since it has bcen estimated that in Canada alone the annual requirements
of heavy water will be several hundred tons in a few years’ time, it is evident
that some further method must be sought for really large-scale production.
Types of Nuclear Reactors

The Heavy Water Reactor (HWR) concept allow the use of natural uranium
as a fuel without the need for its enrichment, offering a degree of energy independence,especially
if uranium is available for mining or for extraction as a byproduct of another industry
such as gold mining or phosphate fertilizer production. However, it needs the installation
of a heavy water D2O production capability, which is a much simpler endeavor
anyway, since separating the light isotopes (D from H) is much simpler than separating
the heavy isotopes (U235 from U238).
HWRs have become a significant proportion of
world reactor installations, second only to the Light Water Reactors (LWRs).
They provide fuel cycle flexibility for the future and can potentially burn the
recycled fuel from LWRs, with no major reactor design changes, thus extending
resources and reducing spent fuel storage.

First Generation
Douglas Point
on a stamp face, first HWR of the Candu
now decommissioned, was part of a nuclear complex including the Bruce HWRs.
The HWR concept is
primarily represented by the CANDU design which is an acronym for CANada
Deuterium Uranium. The CANDU system uses pressurized heavy water D2O as
moderator and coolant and natural uranium as fuel in the form of uranium
dioxide UO2.
The HWR design,
because of its relative technical simplicity is in vogue in
developing countries. New HWR designs are being developed mainly in Canada and
HWR reactors are
currently operated in Canada
at Ontario, New Brunswick
and Québec, in Korea, Argentina and Romania. Other similarly designed
Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs) are operated in India and Pakistan. In China, the Qinshan project, a partnership
between Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), Canada and the Third Qinshan
Nuclear Power Company (TQNPC), included two units that went into commercial
operation in 2002 and 2003 respectively.
In India, a
continuing process of evolution of the HWR design has been carried out since
the Rajasthan I and II projects. Tarapur 4, an evolutionary 500 MWe HWR
achieved criticality in March 2005 and another 500 MWe unit Tarapur 3.

generation Point Lepreau, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL)
Candu 6 power
A boiling light
water cooled, heavy water moderated Advanced HWR was under development in India. This
design is a thermal breeder using the thorium and U233 fuel cycle and incorporates
many passive features, including natural circulation cooling.
In Canada, AECL continues to evolve
the basic CANDU design to develop the Advanced CANDU Reactor (ACR), focusing on
improvements in economics, inherent safety characteristics and performance,
while retaining the features of the earlier family of PHWR nuclear power plants
that are now decommissioned such as the Douglas Point HWR. The stated goals
include lower plant capital and operating costs, plus reduced project schedules,
through the use of improved design and construction methods and operational
improvements. The design uses Slightly Enriched Uranium (SEU) fuel to reduce
the reactor core size, which also reduces the amount of heavy water required to
moderate the reactor and allows the use of light water in place of heavy water
as the reactor coolant.
At the leading
edge of the ongoing AECL program for evolutionary improvements in the CANDU
line of reactors is a research and development program, designated as CANDU-X,
or innovative CANDU reactors operating at higher thermal efficiencies, which
implies a high temperature coolant or supercritical water as a coolant. Such
reactors would also incorporate passive high temperature fuel channels, natural
circulation heat removal, and passive containment heat removal.
The core of the nuclear steam supply system of a CANDU 6 power plant is
a large cylindrical vessel called the calandria. This vessel is filled with
cool, low-pressure D2O. The vessel houses 380 horizontal tubes, loaded with
natural uranium fuel bundles.
Each fuel channel
consists of a 104 mm diameter, 4.3 mm thick zirconium niobium alloy pressure
tube, inserted into a slightly wider calandria tube, and two stainless steel
end fittings at the ends of the fuel channel. The tubes are 6.3 m in length.
Garter Spring spacers separate the two tubes.
Heavy water flows through the
pressure tubes in a secondary pressurized circuit, removing heat from fuel
bundles and transferring it to the steam generators, where secondary circuit
light water is being heated and converted into steam to drive the steam turbine
and the electrical generator. During reactor operation, the pressure tube
material is subject to high pressure at 11.3 MPa and high temperature reaching
310 °C.

Darlington CANDU reactor face showing the horizontal pressure tubes.

Horizontal calandria of HWR showing its components.

Fuel pellets, tube and bundle used in the HWR design.

On line refueling machine in horizontal tubes CANDU design.

Electrical generator and disabled
steam turbine in the Douglas
Point plant.
CANDU 6 reactor design possesses the highest performance rating of all other
reactors concepts and is able to be refueled at full power using an online
refueling machine. This leads to a power generating capacity factor of 75
percent, even after 13 years of operation making it a more reliable system than
other energy options.
The Lifetime
Capacity Factor (LCF) is the Total Gross Generation (TGG) figure divided by the
capacity (CF) divided by the total number of hours (H) from the time of first
synchronization, multiplied by 100.
units are reported as having the highest lifetime capacity factors
within their

Unit Energy Cost (LUEC) of gas, coal and nuclear sources in
Ontario, Canada, for units placed in service in 2002, in 1989 Canadian
dollars. Ontario
licensed in Canada,
the CANDU 6 design has also been licensed in every country where it has been
installed over the past two decades. With the Wolsong 2, 3 and 4 plants in the Republic of Korea,
it met all requirements for licensing in both Canada
and Korea,
the latter having licensed both PWR and Candu systems.
The Canadian
regulator, the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB), generally plays a role in
the transfer of expertise to international regulatory bodies. Part of the
licensing acceptability is its approach to safety. Long operating experience
under a wide range of demanding conditions bears this out. The unique
defense-in-depth design incorporates tri-level passiveness. Preventative
boundaries and independent shut-down systems are built into the design at
multiple levels.
The design has
established a long history of minimizing radiation doses to the operating
staff. This has contributed to ease of plant maintenance which, in turn, has
contributed to operating reliability and lower operating costs
The power plants are highly automated,
requiring only a minimum of manual operator action. Each plant has two
independent digital computers which operate continuously, one operating and one
on standby.
The safety systems
include two independent and fully capable shutdown systems To provide maximum safety, the systems are
separated physically and functionally.
The moderator
operates at low pressure and temperature, completely separate from the primary
heat transport coolant circuit, providing a large body of water capable of
absorbing excess heat.
Power plants have
an emergency core cooling system and a containment system. In the event of a
Loss Of Coolant Accident (LOCA), the reactor safety system will automatically
shut down the reactor, isolate the defective primary heat transport coolant
circuit, and assure a supply of cooling water over the fuel.
reactor produces about 24 cubic meters of used fuel bundles per year, a volume
that would fit into a small room. The design of the power plant is such that
these wastes are controlled and represent no threat to station personnel or to
the public at large.

silos temporarily store the used fuel elements allowing cooling
before final recycling or disposal.
The 700 MWe
class nuclear power plant saves the burning of about 84 million metric tonnes
of coal or about 330 million barrels of oil over a 40-year period and the
millions of tonnes of acid-producing NOx and SOx atmospheric pollutants these
fossil fuels would generate. It avoids the release of 196 million tonnes of
carbon dioxide over its lifetime, an amount that would be produced by a
fossil-fuelled plant of equal size.
Air and water
discharges are free of such contaminants as heavy metals, organic compounds and
acid gases. Radioactivity releases in any form are closely monitored, and are
consistently less than 1 percent of those permitted by regulatory standards.
Power stations
occupy relatively little land since space is not required for large coal
storage and ash disposal areas. As an example, the CANDU 6 at Point Lepreau
produces about 300 kgs of used fuel per day. An equivalent coal-fired station
produces eight metric tonnes of fly ash and 1,440 metric tonnes of solid ash
per day.
overall waste handling philosophy and strategy, which has been the subject of
50 years of continuing research and development, is to provide interim storage
at the reactor site, followed by permanent disposal underground in geologically
stable formations.
Used nuclear fuel
has been stored in water filled pools at HWR nuclear generating stations for 25
years and can be stored in this way for many decades. The use of concrete
canisters or silos for dry storage of used HWR reactor fuel is now coming into
wide use because it provides safe storage at lower cost than water filled
storage pools.
At the Point
Lepreau plant, after at least seven years under water, the spent fuel which
would have seen a decrease in radioactivity of about 99 percent is moved to
on-site dry storage canisters, where each year's discharge fills about 10
above-ground dry storage system for spent HWR fuel, suitable as well as fuel
from other reactor types such as the PWR, BWR and VVER, has been developed. It
features cooling and shielding, easy fuel retrievability for future off site
disposal, resistance to earthquakes and tornadoes, and low construction and
operating costs. A MACSTOR unit was installed in a record five and a half
months at Hydro Quebec's Gentilly-2 CANDU station in 1995.

diagram showing a Candu 9 plant setup.
Summary of Reactor Types
Reactor Type
Chemical Form of Fuel
Enrichment Level |
Boiling Water
light water
light water
uranium dioxide
low enriched uranium
Pressurized Water
electricity, nautical power
light water
light water
uranium dioxide
low enriched uranium
Heavy Water
electricity, plutonium production
heavy water
heavy water
uranium dioxide or uranium metal
natural, unenriched uranium
Properties of Heavy water
CAS number
molecular formula
2H2O/ D2O
molar mass
20.0276 g/mol
exact mass
20.023118178 g/mol
pale blue transparent liquid
melting point
molecular weight
20.0276 g/mol
vapor pressure
16.4 mm Hg
refractive index
viscosity at 25°C
0.001095 Pa s
specific heat of fusion
0.3096 kj/g
purpose of using heavy water in nuclear reactor
Heavy water is used as a moderator in a nuclear reactor. It is used to slow the neutrons being directed at the fissionable material, by means of the molecules of the moderator physicaly impacting the incoming neutrons and absorbing some of the kenetic energy they posses, thus slowing them down, in the same way that two billiard balls impacting each other would slow down the incoming one (or both if they were both moving). The reason that the neutrons have to be slowed is that most fissionable materials are more likely to absorb thermal neutrons (2.2km/s) than fast neutrons (14,000km/s).
Light water (the name usually used for regular H2O when talking about nuclear reactors), is the most common type of moderator, because it is cheap, very available, and is more effecient at slowing the incoming neutrons, due to the fact that the hydorgen atoms in the water posses only one proton and one electron, and thus are almost exactly the same mass as the incoming neutrons (the hydrogen atom weighs only as much as one electron more than the neutrons, and electrons are very light when compard to protons and neutrons, which are equal in mass).
The problem with using light water as a moderator, however, is that the hydrogen atoms may absorb some of the neutrons, thus preventing them from getting through to the fissionable material. Thus, once the percentage of U-235 (the fissionable isotope of uranium) is too low (such as in natural uranium, where the percentage of U-235 is about 0.72%), then the amount of neutrons getting through the moderator without being abosorbed is not high enough to maintain criticality (the point at which the amount of neutrons being produced is equal to the amount escaping the system or being absorbed but not resulting in fission), and the chain reaction can no longer continue, and the reactor can no longer produce power.
Heavy water, however, is deuterium oxide. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron. Thus the hydrogen atom already has one extra neutron, and is much less likely to absorb another. This means that when heavy water is used as a moderator, enough neutrons get through that even with very low levels of U-235 (even the very low levels found in natural uranium), criticality can be maintained, and power is produced.
So even though the efficiency of the D2O (heavy water) molecules at slowing the neutrons is slightly less than that of regualr H2O (water, or light water) molecules, the use of heavy water as a moderator allows natural uranium to be used as a fuel with little, if any, enrichment (which is a costly process, and controversial, as enriched uranium can be used to make nuclear weapons). This is why CANDU (Canadian Deuterium-Uranium) reactors can use natural uranium, or even the waste uranium from conventional light water reactors as fuel.
Application of Heavy Water
Heavy water is used as tracer in the study of reactions occurring in
living organisms and other chemical reactions.
It is used in nuclear reactors as moderator (the substance used to
moderate the speed of nuclear reactions) because in nuclear fission process (A nuclear reaction in which a massive nucleus splits
into smaller nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy) it slows down the
velocity of neutrons.
It has also been used for the
preparation of deuterium. All natural water contains a
large amount of different salts. In addition to this natural water also
contains carbondioxide which forms hydrogen carbonate ion with water.
By directly introducing one microlitre of
distillate of urine, blood serum, etc. into the sample reservoir of a mass
spectrometer, it is possible to determine the ratio of HDO to H2O molecules in
the vapour to within a standard deviation corresponding to 2%. Duplicate
determinations can be performed in 5 minutes, not counting the time for
distillation which is done in 30 minutes. A rigorous definition of total body
water is developed in which attention is given to each appreciable factor
required for accurately stating the final volume.
If it isn't used in nuclear power stations, what use
is heavy water?
Deuteration of compounds often assists the study of reaction mechanisms.
Chemists can use D2O as a solvent for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
spectra as the different nuclear properties of deuterium means that it does not
give resonances in the proton-NMR range. It can also be used to assign the
signals due to labile N-H and O-H groups in compounds such as alcohols; just
add a drop of heavy water to your solution of the compound in CDCl3,
then the labile protons are exchanged, and the resonance due to O-H (or N-H)
R-O-H + D2O
+ D-O-H

This is
illustrated in the NMR spectra of menthol, below, where the OH peak at ~1.8 ppm
disappears after adding D2O, showing that the H involved is free to
exchange with the solvent.

with the kind permission of Dr. Glenn A. Facey, Department of Chemistry, University of Ottawa. Image taken from Glenn Facey's blog.
The advantage of heavy water as coolant over light water in pressurized reactors?
In the CANDU reactor heavy water is used as the moderator. It is a much better moderator than light water because it does not absorb neutrons so strongly, and enables non-enriched uranium to be used. The heavy water moderator is enclosed in a tank with fuel channel tubes, called technically a calandria. The coolant is also heavy water which flows through the tubes and hence past the fuel elements, and then transfers its heat to a light water secondary circuit. In a PWR or BWR light water is used both as moderator and coolant, which is obviously much cheaper and less complicated, but does require uranium enriched in U-235.