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Tuesday, February 19, 2013



Operating principle:

The material passes the cylinder along a helical path with transportation being primarily a result of displacement. Due to the effect of vibration, the material is directed to the outlet. The grinding cylinders which perform almost circular move- ments by the effect of unbalanced weights, are filled with grinding media to 65 vol.%. In general, reduction by impact forces is predominant in the Palla mill. Possible grinding cylinder connections as shown hereunder

Particle sizes and throughputs:

Feed size : from 1  to 25mm
Final fineness: 100 to  2mm by direct
- and 30 - 100 - in closed circle with
sieving machine or air classifier
Throughputs: from 100kg/h up to .
25t/h (depends on the product to be  grinded)

Advantages :
· reduced space requirements
· low energy consumption
· reduced installation costs; direct installation on factory soil                                                                      
· especially interesting in case of explosive products, because
filling grade grinding medias + product is about 95 vol. %
· easy adjustment of the amplitude (up to 12 mm)
· wear minimised, impact grinding
· possibility of iron-free grinding by using ceramic
grinding media and inner liner
· reduced and easy maintenance,
bearings are fastened in the webs in such a manner that the
complete unbalanced-type drive can be easily removed.
· grinding media only need to be refilled
· excellent homogenizing of the product
· no air production, consequently no need of a filter
(cost reduction)
· direct cardan drive

AUBEMA Vibrating Mills are used for grinding
of almost all materials in the processing industry,
from medium-sized lumps up to finest grains. The
particular fields of application are coal, chemicals,
ceramics and pit and quarry industries, including
their subgroups.
Lignite, hard coal, ash, coke, charcoal, dolomite,
marble, silica sand, limestone, bentonite, lime,
gypsum, puzzolan, bauxite, copper granules, iron
oxide, ferrosilicon, magnesium oxide, arsenide,
aluminium oxide, silicon carbonate, zirconium,
fireclay, corundum and similar products.

Tower Mills:

As tumbling mills such as ball and rod mills are not very effective in fine grinding due to due to their loe power intensity, alternatives for fine and ultra fine grinding are tower mills and stirred mills. In contrast to tumbling mills where motion is imparted to the charge via the rotational mill shell, in tower and stirred mills motion is imparted to the charge by the movement of internal strirrer while the shells are stationary.


In a tower mill steel balls or pebbles are placed in a vertical grinding chamber in which an internal screw flight provides medium agitation. The feed enters at the top, with mill water, and is reduced in size by attribution and abrassion as it falls, the finely ground particles being carried upwards by pumped liquid and overflowing to a classifier. Over sized particles are returned to the bottom of the chamber, and the final classification is by hydrocyclones, which returned underflow to the mill sump for further grinding.


Its instalation area is small
Its noise level is low
Its energy usage is efficient
It shows minimal overgrinding
its capital and operating cost is low


Its capacity is 100t/h with the product size of 1-100 micrometers

It can grinde a variety of material like limestone, silica, rock salt, coal and copper concentrates


Will's mineral processing technology By Barry A. Wills